Sunday, October 5, 2014

Gratitude Sunday

Joining sweet Taryn from the wonderful blog titled "Wooly Moss Roots" for her Gratitude Sunday link up! Karyn writes about the most lovely of things and I love her link up on Sundays... it reminds me to slow down.  You should catch up with her, she and her beautiful family are very inspirational. 

I am trying to show happiness and gratitude for even the small and simple things like::

:: Noticing how my oldest is still so very cute and little to me... he will always be my baby.  Do mothers always feel that way?  Even when they are adults?

:: An afternoon of quiet and hand spinning cashmere fiber

:: Fall flowers

:: Yarn and button mail from Luna Grey Fiber Arts and Wooly Moss Roots!

What are you all grateful for? 


  1. the yarn and buttons look amazing!

  2. They are !!! Oh my I cannot wait to knit these up!!!

  3. lovely bits and bobbles here. I was wondering if the yarn on your header was homespun. I guess I got my answer. And while my baby is still a baby, I think I can honestly say "Yes, they are always our littles". Have a blessed week.
